

Shanghai GongYe International Co., Ltd.

We are a major supplier of consumable materials for industrial heat. We supply and help sourcing multiple lines of products, which are widely used in high temperature industries, such as steel mills, non-ferrous casting, construction material manufacturing, mineral processing, chemical plants, refineries, power plants, gasket and sealing industries, to name a few. Anyone who deals with industrial heat and thermal processing can be our customers. We offer refractory products that can withstand high temperatures and chemical environments. We also offer thermal insulating products with various forms to control heat and conserve energy. With direct manufacturing behind us and a professional team of extensive experience in production and research in the area of refractory and heat…

Shanghai GongYe International Co., Ltd.

Country: China
Address: Jin Hong Business Mansion, 490 Guo He Road, 6th Floor, Unit 608 Shanghai-Shanghai
Postal Code: 200433
Website: http://www.refractory.net

Shanghai GongYe International Co., Ltd.

Address: Jin Hong Business Mansion, 490 Guo He Road, 6th Floor, Unit 608 Shanghai-Shanghai Postal Code: 200433 Website: http://www.refractory.net

Sponsored by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry), Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd.

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